Revolutionising Employment Inclusion

Neurodiversity Specialists

Skills Shortage? Not At Xceptional!

Employing a neurodivergent worker is a smart move for any business looking for skilled, job-ready talent, with Xceptional guiding you every step of the way.
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identify as Neurodivergent

Neurodivergence means that the brain functions, learns and processes information differently.

Looking For Talent For Your Business

Xceptional Has The Answer.

Xceptional specialises in neurodivergent talent and creating accessible, inclusive workplaces.

Working in partnership with employers through each step of the recruitment process and beyond, Xceptional helps businesses tap into a skilled, job-ready pool of candidates.

As experts in neurodivergent employment, our training and consulting guides employers in building sustainable organisational cultures.

Diversity of Thought Drives Better Outcomes

In all forms, diversity allows a greater range of perspectives and experiences to support positive organisational culture and performance. Neurodivergence refers to how a brain processes, learns, and/or behaves differently from what is considered ‘typical’.

At Xceptional, we know that ‘typical’ does not necessarily mean ‘better’. Our neurodivergent talent excel within their roles and contribute to an inclusive and diverse workplace culture.
Young man with a backpack walking out a glass door.

Get Set for Success & Create a More Accessible Workplace

Xceptional offers assessment, training and consultation for organisations looking to create a diverse and equitable culture, for the benefit of all employees.
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UN estimates that more than 80% of autistic adults are unemployed or under employed
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92% candidates placed still employed after 12 months
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Companies with inclusive cultures were six times more likely to be innovative and agile

We See Beyond a Candidate’s CV

At Xceptional, we see our candidates as more than just a piece of paper — we see the individual.

We are committed to finding and highlighting the natural skills and strengths of neurodivergent workers to find the perfect position for them.
Two women are seated. They are looking at each other while in conversation

Growing Staff In Growth Industries

Xceptional specialises in recruitment in IT, Engineering, Banking and Financial Services as well as Administration and Office Support.

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