BusinessSeptember 29, 2023by Aron Mercer

Inclusive Leadership Lessons from Coach Ted Lasso

In today’s workplace, leadership styles have evolved to embrace more inclusive, empathetic, and holistic approaches. One unexpected yet prime example of this modern leadership archetype can be found not in boardrooms but on a fictional soccer field. “Ted Lasso,” Apple TV+’s surprise hit, showcases an American coach’s journey as he leads an English football team, despite having no prior experience with the sport. Yet, beyond its comedic foundation, “Ted Lasso” offers invaluable lessons on inclusive leadership that HR professionals and corporate leaders can take to heart.

    • Emphasising the Human Element: Throughout the series, Ted Lasso stands out by prioritising the well-being and emotional health of his players over game statistics or strategies. By treating each player as an individual first and an athlete second, Lasso showcases the importance of understanding team members’ unique experiences and backgrounds. Such an approach not only fosters a positive working environment but also drives better performance, as individuals feel valued and understood.
    • Active Listening: Lasso’s keen ability to listen—truly listen—to his players and staff is pivotal. Instead of dictating terms from a position of authority, he takes the time to engage with individuals, acknowledging their concerns and providing feedback. This two-way communication builds trust, a cornerstone for any inclusive leadership model.
    • The Power of Positivity: It’s hard to miss Ted Lasso’s unwavering optimism, even in the face of adversity. His belief in positive reinforcement, celebrating small victories, and maintaining a hopeful outlook serves as a reminder of the transformative power of positivity. Leaders who adopt this approach can inspire their teams, fostering resilience and determination in the face of challenges.
    • Building Authentic Relationships: Lasso’s approach goes beyond transactional interactions. He invests time in building genuine relationships with his players and staff, understanding their aspirations, fears, and motivations. This deep-seated connection promotes loyalty and commitment, pivotal for any organization aiming for long-term success.
    • Embracing Diversity: The AFC Richmond team, like any sports team, is a melting pot of cultures, personalities, and backgrounds. Lasso’s ability to unify such a diverse group by focusing on shared goals, while still respecting individual differences, is a lesson in how organizations can harness the power of diversity to foster innovation and creativity.

While “Ted Lasso” offers a humorous take on the world of sports, its core messages resonate in the corporate realm. The show serves as a timely reminder that in an age dominated by technology and data, the human element remains paramount. By embodying the principles of empathy, active listening, and genuine connection, leaders can navigate the challenges of the modern workplace with grace, fostering environments where individuals feel valued, heard, and motivated to achieve their best.

In a world where corporate scandals and leadership pitfalls regularly make headlines, “Ted Lasso” shines a light on the possibility of leadership rooted in authenticity, compassion, and inclusivity. As businesses and HR professionals ponder the future of leadership, they need not look further than AFC Richmond’s fictional pitch for inspiration.

Note: This article draws insights from the “Ted Lasso” series but does not directly quote or replicate copyrighted material from the show.